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HomeEventsMike Sorge -Trillium Floral Box

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Only 1 Spot(s) Left
Mike Sorge -Trillium Floral Box

Date and Time

Friday, August 09, 2024, 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM


Denis Delanty's Workshop
15832 Berlin Turnpike
Purcellville, VA  20132

Event Contact(s)

Trevor S Albro
Event Planner/Manager

Kenneth A Poirier
Program Director



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only


8 Total Slots
1 Available Slot(s)

About this event

The project for the workshop is Mike's Trillium Floral Box. The base of the project is a three fingered (petal) blank that will resemble an undulating trillium flower when complete. The technique to a successful final form involves -  "turning air" at a high RPM. This is an INTERMEDIATE level project. It is recommended that you have turned at least 6 or more bowls successfully without mishap and have mastered good control of your bowl gouge to be successful and to be able to turn safely.

Additionally, you will also need to hollow the box portion of the base and to fit the lid to the box section (see attached photos). A precut 8/4 x 10.5” hard maple base and 5” lid piece will be provided to each student. Maple was chosen as it is easier to see the contrasting ghost shadow of a light colored wood when turning the petals and provides a denser, tight grained surface to maximize success. To enroll, make your payment via PayPal to secure your slot. If you pay by check (sent to our Treasurer Pete Bills), your enrollment will not be processed until received by Pete. As always enrollment is based on first in line gets the slot. Note that there are 3 slots on the waiting list if the workshop becomes fully subscribed. If you are considering this workshop - don't delay your enrollment. Mike has presented to our club several times in past years. He is an excellent turner, teacher and innovator and you will be the better turner having taken this workshop.

The cost of the workshop is $170, materials included.

Tools Required:

  1. Pencil

  2. Sharpie fine point permanent marker

  3. Ruler

  4. Blue tape

  5. CA glue – super thin, fast set

  6. 5/8” & 1/2” bowl gouges (At least one with as many as you care to bring, all sharpened with a swept back grind and secondary bevel leaving about a 1/8” bevel cutting edge

  7. ½” & 3/8” spindle gouges sharpened as 5. (Above)

  8. Calipers to measure box bottom

  9. Hollowing tools for a relatively small box (any type will do as the “box” opening will be relatively large

  10. Bright magnetic 30” adjustable neck lathe lamp such as the Aurora or Super Nova by Woodturners Wonders. (Note: Lamps are provided with the lathes, but have shorter than 30” necks. If you have a long neck version, please bring it.

  11. Sandpaper. (You will NOT be allowed to power sand. Only light hand, touch-up sanding allowed)

  12. Respiratory protection. (Required when Mike is demonstrating his power sanding technique. Recommended for hand sanding)

  13. Full Face Shield 

  14. The project will also require a set of #3 jaws. The studio lathes are equipped with Talon chucks and #2 smooth (dovetailed) jaws. If you have a set of #3 Talon jaws (smooth or profiled, profiled preferred) to use, please bring them along. If you have a different chuck (1 1/4"x 8 tpi) with #3 jaws that will work just fine as well. Talon #3 jaws have a compression size of approximately 3" minimum to 4" maximum and an expansion size of about 3 3/8" to 4 3/4". 

Regardless, if you enroll, please let Ken know ASAP if you have the aforementioned jaws or a secondary chuck to bring to the workshop or if you need to be supplied with either option. We will work to find what you will need (including hollowing tools) to have a successful workshop.